Yves Carew
BA Dip Arch MSc
Yves was awarded a BArch Degree in Architecture, RIBA Part 1 exemption at the University of Sheffield. Obtained a Diploma in Architecture providing a RIBA Part II exemption through studies at the University of Brighton in 2006. Professional Practice in Architecture at Kingston University. RIBA Part III exemption. In 2019 awarded an MSc in Historic Building Conservation (Kingston University) IHBC recognised course. Joined Rodney Melville and Partners as a Senior Architect in 2021.
Yves has a particular interest in the use of contemporary interventions within historic and environmentally sensitive contexts to ensure the carefully considered, continued use of historic buildings in a changing world.
Yves has had a very broad range of experience over his career spanning many building and project types. He is able to apply this wider context and experience of problem solving to historic building and environment projects to help unlock possibilities from different approaches.