Stafford Holmes


Stafford attended Hammersmith School of Architecture, London and was elected an associate member of the Royal Institute of British Architects in 1966. Stafford became a Partner of Rodney Melville and Partners in 1988 and has been a Consultant to the Practice since 2006.

Stafford has been responsible for many conservation and repair projects for buildings of national importance. Stafford continues to be actively involved in training courses, lectures and demonstrations on the use of sustainable building materials and the preparation, application and use of building limes.

Specialist areas of work include:

  • Traditional repair techniques
  • Research, development, and application of traditional and sustainable building materials
  • Material sustainability
  • Education and engagement in historic building repair techniques
  • Expert witness services

Stafford was the Chairman of the Building Limes Forum and carried out extensive building materials technical research as a committee member of the Intermediate Technology Development Group. Stafford has also been a member of Scottish Lime Centre Trust’s Building Materials Panel and the British Standards Institute Committee for Building Limes. Stafford is a visiting lecturer and joint author of a number of publications including ‘Lime and Other Alternative Cements’, ‘Hydraulic Lime Mortar’, ‘Building with Lime’ and ‘Evaluation of Limestone and Building Limes in Scotland’.